About Us

Migrants Forum is maintained by a team of freelance writers and consultants operating from Africa, the UAE, and the USA. Since 2015, we have been researching and providing information to individuals on global migration opportunities. These global migration opportunities include job opportunities with visa processing options. We have also packaged international tours to many countries for several groups.

You will find information on Canada, the UK, and other countries on our website. And you have the opportunity of speaking face to face with our consultants for migration guidance. Feel free to join our webinar which we organize frequently to guide thousands of people on opportunities available in the UK and other countries.

We are dedicated to providing actionable information on global migration opportunities and International job opportunities to intending migrants. This is also valuable to those who have already migrated to the USA, UK, Canada, Europe, and Asia.

We post these opportunities weekly and jobs as soon as they are published by the respective companies all over the world. Our team of researchers and writers works day and night to make this information available to you completely free of charge.

Our other services include:

  • Statement of Purpose writing or reviewing
  • Review of visa application documents
  • Writing a Letter of Explanation for visa application

If you need a personalized guide on any of the international job opportunities we post on our website, kindly send a message to hello@migrantsforum.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you are interested in international scholarships and authentic foreign admission information, please, visit www.effikos.com.