How To Migrate To Canada In 2023

In recent years, Canada has consistently ranked high in terms of quality of life, public services, education, security, and overall friendliness. The Land of Maple is popular for its policies that welcome immigrants and for its celebration of multiculturalism. So it’s completely understandable that you want to learn how to migrate to Canada.

If you wish to speak with one of our consultants about migrating to Canada, especially those seeking to relocate via the study pathway, click the following button:

According to Reuters, Canada welcomed 437,000 immigrants in 2022; and plans to raise that number to 465,000, 485,000, and 500,000 in 2023, 2024, and 2025 respectively. 

In this article, we’ll be supplying you with all the information you need to help make sure that you take advantage of Canada’s immigration targets and become one of those successful Canadian immigrants. All you have to do is read on and take notes. 

Meanwhile, we have written a comprehensive piece on how to migrate to the UK in general and how to relocate to the UK with a student visa.

Easiest ways to migrate to Canada 

There are over 100 migration programs offered by the Canadian government that let you study, work or become a permanent resident in Canada. We’ve grouped them into eight categories and will be discussing how you can use them to migrate to Canada. 

If you will be traveling to Canada for the first time, you need know to this.

1. Study Pathway

You can apply to study at any of the many outstanding universities and colleges in Canada. Once you’re accepted by any of the schools, you can submit an application for a study permit. Your study permit is valid until it expires, either on the date indicated on it or 90 days after you finish your studies. You must extend it if you intend to keep studying in Canada. 

And for someone seeking to study in any of Canada’s colleges and universities, among other things, you need to present a brilliant transcript. Having a great transcript that opens doors starts with being able to calculate and track your GPA and CGPA. We have a mobile application that makes this super easy. Get It here:

Also, we have written several articles for students seeking to relocate to Canada and you may find them helpful:

2. Skilled Worker Pathway 

Canada has a high demand for skilled workers. As a skilled worker (someone with suitable educational and work experience), you can migrate to Canada through the Express Entry program, the Provincial Nominee Program, and the Quebec Immigration program. 

If you are in the healthcare industry, and interested in relocating to Canada, these articles will definitely be of great interest to you:

How to apply and get a nursing job in Canada

How to migrate to Canada to work as a doctor from Nigeria. Even if you are not resident in Nigeria, this will give you general guidelines on how to achieve this as a medical doctor.

3. Family Sponsorship

Canada has a number of immigration pathways that allow citizens and permanent residents to bring their families to live in the country. If you have a relative that’s a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is at least 18 years old, they can sponsor your move to Canada. Note that it can cost them over $8000 CAD to do this. Learn how you can apply to the Family Sponsorship Program here.

4. Atlantic Immigration Program

The Atlantic Immigration Program is Atlantic Canada’s, aka the Atlantic Provinces, own immigration program. It allows employers in Atlantic Canada’s 4 provinces to hire international graduates from Canadian institutions. You can consider this route if you’re studying in Canada or would like to study and work there.

5. Self-employed Pathway

If you’ve got your own business, you can migrate to Canada through the Self-employed Persons Program. To use this pathway, you must be able to “significantly contribute” to Canada’s cultural or sporting life and possess the experience, desire, and capacity to do so.

6. Start-up Visa

The start-up visa program allows entrepreneurs to migrate to Canada and grow their businesses there. If you have a business or a business idea that can contribute to Canada’s economic growth, you can partner with privately-owned businesses in Canada to receive guidance, funding, and expertise to launch and run your business in the country.

7. Rural & Northern Immigration Pathway

This program was designed by the Canadian government to ensure that the benefits of economic immigration reach smaller communities. This allows you to leverage any ties you might have with any of the participating Canadian communities to migrate to Canada. 

8. Refugee or asylum seeker pathway

Canada reserves to right to determine the eligibility of refugee claims. According to the Canadian government, there are 2 types of refugees, the convention refugee or a person in need of protection. While a convention refugee is someone facing persecution in their home country because of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. A person in need of protection is someone facing the danger of torture, punishment, or risk to life in their home countries. If any of these describes your situation, you can apply to become a refugee in Canada.

Why should I migrate to Canada?

Making the decision to leave your home country and move to Canada is a big deal. So, it’s only natural to look at the pros and cons before making such a life-changing decision. Here are a few of them you should consider: 


Canada is the second most transparent country in the world. This means that the Canadian government is open about its policies, trustworthy, and generally perceived to have low levels of corruption. It has consistently been among U.S. News & World Report’s top 3 Best Countries since 2019. Some of the criteria required to hold the title of Best Country include high quality of life, political and individual freedom, and entrepreneurship.  


One of the cons of living in Canada is the cold weather. If you’re from a warmer climate, might it take some time for you to adjust to it. The high cost of housing, particularly in big cities like Vancouver, Montreal, and Ontario is another downside of migrating to Canada. Also, tax is high and this might be because the government depends on it to fund a lot of charity programs in Canada.

How Much Does It Cost To Migrate To Canada

The cost of migrating to Canada depends largely on the immigration program you apply to and how you transport your family and belongings. 

If you’re moving to Canada alone, it’ll cost about $15,000 CAD. For a couple, the amount rises to $21000 CAD. A family of 4 migrating through the skilled worker program, will spend about $25000 CAD to move to Canada. 

These cover language tests, application processing fees, medical exams, biometrics, and right of permanent residence fees.

Preparing For Your Migration To Canada

It’s always a good idea to learn all you can about travelling to Canada as you prepare to immigrate. To ensure that your migration to Canada is as seamless and stress-free as possible, you should: 

  1. Secure your credentials: 

These include your passports, bank statements, professional license(s), driver’s license, and degrees. Check and double-check that you have all the necessary paperwork to migrate to Canada.

  1. Improve your English & French

They are Canada’s official languages. Most parts of Canada speak English while Quebec and many parts of Ontario, Manitoba, and New Brunswick speak French. If you’re already fluent in one of the languages, we encourage you to learn the other. It’ll increase your chances of getting jobs and integrating with the community.

  1. Apply for your social insurance number (SIN)

You can only apply for your SIN after you’ve arrived in Canada. However, it doesn’t hurt to know how to get yours and whether you’d need to go to the Service Canada Centre near you to get it. 

  1. Make plans for a place to stay

If you plan to stay with relatives, ensure that they’re in agreement to avoid becoming a burden to them. If you’re coming to work, your employer might be kind enough to help you secure accommodation. For students coming to study, reach out to your school for information on student accommodations.

5. Stock up on warm clothing

Canada is notorious for its cold and long winters so make sure to pack the thickest items of clothing you can find. So that you don’t get frozen before you’ve got to chance to enjoy all that Canada has to offer.


Every year, more and more people immigrate to Canada. Canada welcomes immigrants, and immigration has proven essential to the country’s economic success. As a Canadian migrant, you can become a permanent resident and citizen within 4 years. If moving to Canada is one of your dreams, go ahead and start your Canada migration process today.

1 thought on “How To Migrate To Canada In 2023”

  1. I am a young brilliant student looking to further my education in Canada and pursue my dream of becoming a professional footballer and lyrical artiste. I am into entertainment and sports and I like to interact with people on controversial and challenging matters related to societal development.


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